- for turnover on environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned): – revenue from the sale of products that increase the energy efficiency of buildings meeting technical screening criteria (aluminium joinery and external roller-shutter systems); – value of recycled aluminium produced, estimated based on inventory acceptance transactions from production orders (there is no data on sales revenue due to the fact that the whole production is further processed within the Capital Group);
- for turnover on taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned), revenue from the sale of products increasing the energy efficiency of buildings for which it is not possible to verify the technical screening criteria (e.g. accessories or weather strips which are not assigned to the specific types of aluminium joinery systems).
EU taxonomy
Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178, Grupa KĘTY S.A. has been presenting the turnover, capital expenditure (CapEx), and operating expenditure (OpEx) indicators for taxonomy-eligible economic activities which comply with the following conditions:
- making a substantial contribution to at least one of the following environmental objectives: climate change mitigation; climate change adaptation; sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; transition to a circular economy; pollution prevention and control; protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems;
- doing no significant harm to any environmental objective;
- complying with the technical screening criteria;
- complying with minimum safeguards.

Significance criteria adopted
As the significance criterion for the turnover, capital expenditure, and operating expenditure indicators, the value of 0.1% of consolidated sale revenue generated by the Capital Group in 2022 was 5.9 million in terms of amount. As a result, any activity in which the Capital Group failed to arrive at the sales significance threshold was excluded from verification with regard to meeting the environmental objectives and not causing significant harm, as well as technical screening criteria. These activities are disclosed in the item of ‘Turnover on non-taxonomy-eligible activities’.
Identification of the areas of activities aligned with the taxonomy
On the basis of the activity descriptions and technical screening criteria set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139, the Capital Group activities were analysed and allocated to the relevant NACE codes. As a result, taxonomy-eligible areas were identified and verified with regard to:
- making a substantial contribution to at least one of the environmental objectives covered by the taxonomy;
- doing no significant harm to any environmental objective covered by the taxonomy;
- complying with the technical screening criteria set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139.
Verification of activities with regard to complying with minimum safeguards
According to Article 18 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the minimum safeguards ‘shall be procedures implemented by an undertaking that is carrying out an economic activity to ensure the alignment with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including the principles and rights set out in the eight fundamental conventions identified in the Declaration of the International Labour Organisation on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the International Bill of Human Rights’.
Based on the UN Guiding Principles and OECD Guidelines, analysis was carried out with regard to complying with minimum safeguards in carrying out taxonomy-aligned activities, i.e. referring to:
- human and labour rights (including mobbing prevention), consumer rights and community rights;
- corrupt practices;
- non-compliance with tax regulations;
- unfair competition.
The applied accounting principles
The turnover indicator has been calculated based on the total consolidated revenue of the Capital Group in 2022, disclosed in the consolidated financial statements in the item ‘Revenue from contracts with customers’ and described in note 13.1.
In the calculation of the capital expenditure indicator, the denominator was the total of increases made in 2022 in the property, plant and equipment as well as intangible assets presented in note 17 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ and note 20 ‘Intangible assets’ of the consolidated financial statements.
- for capital expenditure on environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned):
- capital expenditure on activities consisting in manufacturing products that increase the energy efficiency of buildings, calculated as the product of all expenditure on the activities and the share of turnover in products complying with the technical screening criteria in the total turnover in products that increase the energy efficiency of buildings (the indicator equalled 0.41);
- capital expenditure directly related to recycled aluminium production;
- for capital expenditure on taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (nontaxonomy-aligned), calculated as the product of all expenditure on the activities and the share of turnover in products non-complying with the technical screening criteria in the total turnover in products that increase the energy efficiency of buildings (the indicator equalled 0.59).
The operating expenditure indicator has been calculated based on direct, non-capitalised costs that relate to research and development, building renovation measures, short-term lease, maintenance and repair, and any other direct expenditures relating to the day-to-day servicing of property, plant and equipment, as the denominator.
- for operating expenditure on environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned):
- operating expenditure on activities consisting in manufacturing products that increase the energy efficiency of buildings, calculated as the product of all operating expenditure on the activities and the share of turnover in products complying with the technical screening criteria in the total turnover in products that increase the energy efficiency of buildings (the indicator equalled 0.41);
- operating expenditure directly related to recycled aluminium production;
- for operating expenditure on taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned), calculated as the product of all operating expenditure on the activities and the share of turnover in products non-complying with the technical screening criteria in the total turnover in products that increase the energy efficiency of buildings (the indicator equalled 0.59).
Principles applied in KPIs calculation
In the calculation of the KPIs, the definitions provided in Annex I to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 have been used.
The indicators have been calculated following the principle of avoiding double counting, i.e. the particular types of activities of the Capital Group have been assigned solely to one type of eligible activities. A similar principle has been applied to the indicators describing capital and operating expenditure. In case a specific activity generating revenue in 2022 has been assigned to any of the taxonomy-eligible activities, the capital and operatingexpenditure related to those activities have been assigned solely to those activities.
Key Performance Indicators
The tables below present the 2022 KPIs of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
Share of turnover on account of products or services associated with taxonomy – aligned economic activities | ||||||||||||||||||||
Substantial contribution criteria | Doing-no-significant-harm criteria | |||||||||||||||||||
Economic activities (1) | Code or codes (2) | Turnover (absolute numbers) (3) | Share of turnover (4) | Climate change mitigation (5) | Climate change adaptation (6) | Water and marine resources (7) | Circular economy (8) | Pollution (9) | Biodiversity and ecosystems (10) | Climate change mitigation (11) | Climate change adaptation (12) | Water and marine resources (13) | Circular economy (14) | Pollution (15) | Biodiversity and ecosystems (16) | Minimum safeguards (17) | Share of taxonomy-aligned turnover, year N (18) | Share of taxonomy-aligned turnover, year N-1 (19) | Category (enabling activities) (20) | Category (transitional activities) (21) |
Value in | PLN ‘000 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | % | % | E | T | |
A. TAXONOMY-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES | ||||||||||||||||||||
A.1. Types of environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned) |
3.5. Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings |
C 25.11 C 25.12 |
1,007,184 | 17.0% | 100.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | T | T | T | T | T | T | 17.0% | N/A | E | |
3.8. Manufacture of aluminium | C 24.42 | 595,933 | 10.0% | 100.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | T | T | T | T | T | T | 10.0% | N/A | E | |
Turnover on environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned) (A.1) |
1,603,117 | 27.0% | 27.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27.0% | N/A | 27.0% | |||||||||
A.2 Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned) |
3.5. Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings |
C 25.11 C 25.12 |
1,430,465 | 24.1% | 24.1% | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Turnover on taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned) (A.2) |
1,430,465 | 24.1% | 24.1% | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Total (A.1 + A.2) | 3,033,582 | 51.1% | 27.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 51.1% | N/A | 27.0% | |||||||||
Turnover on non-taxonomy-eligible activities (B) | 2,897,283 | 48.9% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total (A + B) | 5,930,865 | 100.0% |
Share of capital expenditure on account of products or services associated with taxonomy-aligned economic activities | ||||||||||||||||||||
Substantial contribution criteria | Doing-no-significant-harm criteria | |||||||||||||||||||
Economic activities (1) | Code or codes (2) | Turnover (absolute numbers) (3) | Share of turnover (4) | Climate change mitigation (5) | Climate change adaptation (6) | Water and marine resources (7) | Circular economy (8) | Pollution (9) | Biodiversity and ecosystems (10) | Climate change mitigation (11) | Climate change adaptation (12) | Water and marine resources (13) | Circular economy (14) | Pollution (15) | Biodiversity and ecosystems (16) | Minimum safeguards (17) | Share of taxonomy-aligned turnover, year N (18) | Share of taxonomy-aligned turnover, year N-1 (19) | Category (enabling activities) (20) | Category (transitional activities) (21) |
Value in | PLN ‘000 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | % | % | E | T | |
A. TAXONOMY-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES | ||||||||||||||||||||
A.1. Types of environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned) |
3.5. Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings |
C 25.11 C 25.12 |
59,252 | 15.3% | 100.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | T | T | T | T | T | T | 15.3% | N/A | E | |
3.8. Manufacture of aluminium | C 24.42 | 14,098 | 3.6% | 100.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | T | T | T | T | T | T | 3.6% | N/A | E | |
Capital expenditure on environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned) (A.1) |
73,351 | 19.0% | 19.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19.0% | N/A | 19.0% | |||||||||
A.2 Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned) |
3.5. Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings |
C 25.11 C 25.12 |
84,154 | 21.7% | 21.7% | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Capital expenditure on taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned) (A.2) |
84,154 | 21.7% | 21.7% | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Total (A.1 + A.2) | 157,504 | 40.7% | 19.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40.7% | N/A | 19.0% | |||||||||
Capital expenditure on non-taxonomy-eligible activities (B) |
229,596 | 59.3% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total (A + B) | 387,040 | 100.0% |
Share of operating expenditure on account of products or services associated with taxonomy-aligned economic activities | ||||||||||||||||||||
Substantial contribution criteria | Doing-no-significant-harm criteria | |||||||||||||||||||
Economic activities (1) | Code or codes (2) | Turnover (absolute numbers) (3) | Share of turnover (4) | Climate change mitigation (5) | Climate change adaptation (6) | Water and marine resources (7) | Circular economy (8) | Pollution (9) | Biodiversity and ecosystems (10) | Climate change mitigation (11) | Climate change adaptation (12) | Water and marine resources (13) | Circular economy (14) | Pollution (15) | Biodiversity and ecosystems (16) | Minimum safeguards (17) | Share of taxonomy-aligned turnover, year N (18) | Share of taxonomy-aligned turnover, year N-1 (19) | Category (enabling activities) (20) | Category (transitional activities) (21) |
Value in | PLN ‘000 | % | % | % | % | % | % | % | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | % | % | E | T | |
A. TAXONOMY-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES | ||||||||||||||||||||
A.1. Types of environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned) |
3.5. Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings |
C 25.11 C 25.12 |
6,069 | 10.1% | 100.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | T | T | T | T | T | T | 10.1% | N/A | E | |
3.8. Manufacture of aluminium | C 24.42 | 1,043 | 1.7% | 100.0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | N/A | T | T | T | T | T | T | 1.7% | N/A | E | |
Operating expenditure on environmentally sustainable activities (taxonomy-aligned) (A.1) |
7,112 | 11.8% | 11.8% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11.8% | N/A | 11.8% | |||||||||
A.2 Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned) |
3.5. Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings |
C 25.11 C 25.12 |
8,620 | 14.3% | 14.3% | N/A | |||||||||||||||
Operating expenditure on taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (non-taxonomy-aligned) (A.2) |
8,620 | 14.3% | 14.3% | N/A | ||||||||||||||||
Total (A.1 + A.2) | 15,732 | 26.2% | 11.8% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26.2% | N/A | 11.8% | |||||||||
Operating expenditure on non-taxonomy-eligible activities (B) |
40,974 | 68.1% | ||||||||||||||||||
Total (A + B) | 60,130 | 100.0% |