Report 2022


  • GRI 2-29

For many years, the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. has been perceived by market participants as a recognised brand and a credible partner.

Grupa KĘTY S.A. occupied the 3rd position in the prestigious main ranking of the 23rd edition of the Best GPW Listed Companies under the name ‘The Stock Exchange Company of the Year 2021’ (announced in 2022), organised by Puls Biznesu and took 3rd place in the next edition in the Investor Relations category.
In 2022, Grupa KĘTY S.A. took the 1st place among WIG30 index companies in the assessment of institutional investors and the 5th place in the assessment of individual investors in the ranking prepared by the Chamber of Brokers and Advisers for ‘Companies Which Best Communicate With The Market’.
The POLITYKA weekly, Deloitte consulting company, and Responsible Business Forum have honoured the Polish leaders of sustainable development and ESG for the 11th time within the CSR Leaves initiative of the POLITYKA weekly. The companies participating in the ranking are now best prepared and adjusted to the regulatory requirements related to the ESG management. Grupa KĘTY has found its place among the honoured companies in the White CSR Leaf category.
In 2022, for the first time, the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. prepared an online integrated report presenting the 2021 data. It was honoured in the competition for ‘The Best Annual Report’ in the INTEGRATED REPORT

Our business plans, new products, development plans of the organisation and our impact on local communities and environment have been confronted with the stakeholders’ expectations. Each year, the non-financial reporting process is consulted on an ongoing basis with the selected groups of stakeholders. Engaged are mainly our employees – the team editing the contents and consulting the major issues to be reported, the Management Board and key managerial staff, but also external stakeholders, such as local governments with whom we arrange the engagement of the Capital Group in order to optimally respond to the real needs of the local communities.

The stakeholders, among other groups of people, affect the Capital Group development directions. This happens by changes in legal requirements, the needs of new employee generations, or challenges posed by the care for climate issues. Processes are constantly adjusted to the challenges the business faces in the 21st century. We strive for introducing climate-friendly solutions, caring for the business culture and strongly emphasising human rights in the contemporary world.

Our priority is regular communication with major stakeholders. Our environmental, social and management activities are reported:

The Company also has a real influence on creating the future of the region, by active support and engagement in local communities, through the ‘Together with the Group’ social programme.

The table below presents the stakeholders of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. with regard to the cooperation potential and impact. Such approach enables us to define the major groups of stakeholders, which means those who have the greatest impact on the creation of the Capital Group business value and focus on the key issues raised by them.

List of stakeholders

  Impact tendency
  High Low
Cooperation potential

High Employees and potential employees
Shareholders and potential shareholders
Supervisory Board
In-house trade unions
Issuers organisations
Warsaw Stock Exchange
Local communities
Local governments
Low Sector organisations
Issuers organisations
Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Mass Media