Report 2022

Diversity and ensuring equal opportunities

  • GRI 2-21
  • GRI 405-1
  • GRI 405-2
  • GRI 406-1
  • GPW S-P1
  • GPW S-P2

The companies of the Capital Group comply with the commitments set out in the Diversity Policy and the Policy of Dignity at Work. The documents describe our stand in the issues related to employees or people in other relations with the Group.

We declare equal opportunities, respect for diversity, ensuring decent working conditions, but first of all and foremost – abiding by the legal regulations.

The principle of equal treatment is very important at our organisation. We create equal opportunities to all employees with regard to remuneration, bonuses, skills improvement, and promotion, based on their individual abilities, achievements and work results. The factors affecting professional development as well as the superiors’ expectations from their subordinates have been formulated in a transparent manner.

The basic task in the organisation is to ensure workplace safety to the employees, not only in the physical but also mental and social dimensions, by way of prevention of unwanted phenomena.

We take steps to transform the differences which might prevent good relationship into an opportunity for the organisation’s development. A major element is the creation of project groups within which not only knowledge and experience are exchanged but also friendly relationships are built. The area is supported by the conduct standards described in the Code of Ethics of the Capital Group, which all the Group companies committed to comply with. In 2022 no discrimination cases were reported.

The table below, presents data applicable to the management staff of the companies of the Capital Group, broken down by gender, age and length of service. Men represent 84% of the staff, including 56% of people between 40 and 50 years of age, whereas with regard to the length of service, managerial staff is represented proportionally in the age intervals.

Grupa Kęty S.A. has not developed or applied any diversity policy with regard to the Company managing and supervisory bodies. The Company has not ensured a balanced proportion of men and women within the Management and Supervisory Boards – description in this section.

 Management structure in 2022, by gender, age and length of service
2022 Executives,
Women Men up to 40 41–50 over 50 Length of
service at the
Group up to
10 years
Length of
service at the
Group of 11–
20 years
Length of
service at the
Group over
20 years
Capital Group 80 13 67 7 45 28 25 26 29
of which:
Companies located in
55 8 47 6 31 18 13 16 26
Other locations 24 5 19 1 14 9 11 10 3
Grupa KĘTY S.A. 22 3 19 2 13 7 5 5 12

 Management structure in 2021, by gender, age and length of service
2021 Executives,
Women Men up to 40 41–50 over 50 Length of
service at the
Group up to
10 years
Length of
service at the
Group of 11–
20 years
Length of
service at the
Group over
20 years
Capital Group 81 14 67 7 51 23 27 29 25
of which:
Companies located in
58 9 49 5 38 15 11 25 22
Other locations 23 5 18 2 13 8 16 4 3
Grupa KĘTY S.A. 21 3 18 1 17 3 4 8 9

Within the risk management processes, the Capital Group companies manage succession plans. The purpose of the plans is to ensure staffing of the highest positions in case of key employees leaving the companies. The plan refers to over 60% of the managerial staff.

At the Capital Group companies, the remuneration of the employees within the particular professional groups is verified with the provisions of internal rules and benchmarked against the market data. Also analysed is the average level of remuneration of women, in relation to the average remuneration of men, in the context of six professional groups. According to the prepared reports, women’s remuneration represents on the average 85% of the remuneration of men, we have been striving for equalling the parameters, however, the deviation visible results from different scopes of responsibilities, internally assigned competence, or level of knowledge and experience needed at work.

The structure of remuneration has been monitored by the Group companies in the context of ensuring equal opportunities and prevention of discrimination, among other things.

Deviation rate in the pay of women, by the main groups of jobs in 2021 and 2022
Group of jobs Deviation rate in 2021 Deviation rate in 2022
Capital Group
executive officer 79% 76%
director 80% 94%
manager 103% 103%
specialist 78% 79%
foreman 85% 94%
production area, worker 86% 88%
Grupa KĘTY S.A.
executive officer 0% 0%
director 81% 89%
manager 96% 92%
specialist 84% 82%
foreman 0% 0%
production area, worker 86% 87%

Annual remuneration ratio at Grupa KĘTY S.A

The ratio of the annual total remuneration for the highest paid person in the organisation to the median annual total remuneration for all employees was 49.40 in 2021, and 50.49 in 2022. The ratio of the percentage increase in the highest paid total remuneration in 2022 to the median percentage increase in total annual remuneration for all employees was 1.02. The ratio was calculated on the basis of the base salary, variable salary and other benefits received by employees under employment contracts (1,391 employees in 2021 and 1,409 employees in 2022, excluding the highest paid person).