Since 2014, Grupa KĘTY S.A. has been a Global Compact signatory, which means support to, adoption and application of ten fundamental rules relating, among other things, to human rights and labour standards in all areas of operation. The ‘Internal Relations’ chapter of our Code of Ethics clearly indicates that:
- the basic principle binding at our organisation is to abide by human rights, as described for example in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights;
- we respect the rights related to the freedom of association and collective bargaining agreements;
- we respect the right of our employees to privacy.
In 2021, the Company has prepared and issued the Respect for Human Rights Policy, in which have declared:
- decent work conditions at all companies of the Grupa KĘTY S.A. Capital Group; compliance with all the binding regulations with regard to payroll, remuneration, working hours and overtime;
- safe and healthy workplaces;
- respect for diversity and the principle of equal chances;
- absolute objection to child labour and forced labour;
- respect for the rights related to the freedom of association and collective bargaining agreements;
- respect for the rights of local communities at all locations of the Capital Group companies.
Adequate provisions regarding respect for human rights have also been included in the Code of Conduct for the Suppliers of the Grupa KĘTY S.A. Capital Group.

We expect from our suppliers to:
- respect human rights in their operations;
- ensure equal treatment at work and refrain in their operations from any staff or stakeholders discrimination practices because of their sex, age, disability, race, religion, or other grounds;
- abide by the labour law provisions binding in the country of origin and business of the supplier.
In 2022, there were no reports on account of a breach of the Code of Ethics with regard to human rights infringement.