Management of ESG issues
Supervision of the sustainable development management is provided at the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. by the Management Board. The Management Board prepares and implements the strategy, whereas the Supervisory Board continuously supervises the activities of the Company in all areas of its operations, including the performance of the business strategy as well as ESG strategy.
GRI 2-11
GRI 2-12
GRI 2-13
GRI 2-14
GRI 2-15
GRI 2-16
GRI 2-17
GRI 2-18
GRI 2-19
GRI 2-20
GRI 2-23
GRI 2-24
GRI 2-25
GRI 2-26
GRI 2-27
The membership structure of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, and the Supervisory Board Committees may be found in on: „Company and Capital Group organisational chart and management structure”, „Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board Committees” and „Management Board” pages. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board does not hold any managerial positions at Grupa KĘTY S.A. or any of the Capital Group companies.
At the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. we identify sustainable development and social responsibility as being equivalent to ESG.
The competencies of the President of the Management Board comprise management and supervision of the processes related to climate change mitigation, the Company’s environmental responsibility, social engagement of the Capital Group, processes and procedures in the area of value management within the broadly understood supply chain, as well as ethical processes.
Reporting to the President of the Management Board is the CSR Department with the CSR Director, who coordinates and develops processes in the area of the organisation’s impact on the society and the environment, and who is responsible for developing policies in these areas.
The main objective of the Department functioning is to create and build structures, set out the directions of activities in the field of sustainable development of the Capital Group companies, increase the awareness of corporate social responsibility and ESG, and take actions outside the Capital Group.
The responsibility of the CSR Director include but are not limited to:
- aligning the organisation with market trends and requirements in the ESG area;
- initiating and coordinating activities in the areas of CSR, ESG, and sustainable development;
- coordination of the work of the Steering Committee for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (the ‘Committee’).
The Committee members are:
- the Management Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A.,
- Heads of operating segments,
- CR Dekret CEO,
- Business Ethics Ombudsman,
- CSR Director.
The CSR Director is responsible for convening the Committee meeting and appointing new members (in reference to the Committee’s meeting schedule, new participants are invited to act as temporary members). The Committee meetings are held at least once a year. The Committee’s main role is to supervise the performance of social and environmental processes, as well to care for the Company sustainable development, in reference to the adopted Mission, Vision and Values, as well as the ESG strategy.
- Operational and humanitarian activities for the benefit of Ukrainian citizens.
- Presentation of the market and legal situation with regard to upcoming changes, new regulations in the environmental area and climate change that will affect the Group disclosures in the horizon of up to 5 years – Fit for 55 regulations, new non-financial data reporting under the CSRD, and corporate due diligence duties under the CSDD (corporate due diligence obligation to identify, prevent, eliminate, mitigate and account for adverse impacts on human rights and the environment within companies’ own operations, the operations of their subsidiaries and their value chains). Current requirements, including taxonomy, were also discussed.
- The ESG indicator update – the Director for Quality and Environmental Protection discussed the performance of the adopted goal of ‘Reduction of GHG emissions intensity by 15% (base year 2016)’ in relation to the performance of the target in the first year of the strategy. It was decided to maintain the methodology for the presentation of the goal and a new goal was set for 2025, i.e. ‘Reduction of GHG emissions intensity by 20% (base year 2016)’.
- Actions taken to raise ethical awareness at the Capital Group.
- Actions taken in the area of cooperation with suppliers.
- Action plan in the social area for the year 2023.
The CSR Director, together with the Sector Managers who are responsible for ESG processes at the Capital Group, including: the Director for Quality and Environmental Protection, Chief HR Specialist, IR Director, Compliance and Risk Management Director, and Chief Specialist for Supervisory Board Assistance, prepare strategic ESG projects and policies for the Committee meetings, which are further submitted to the Management Board for decision.
The policies governing the Company approach to ESG areas include but are not limited to: the Code of Ethics, the Climate Policy, the Respect for Human Rights Policy (referring to the European Convention on Human Rights), the Code of Conduct for the Suppliers of the Grupa KĘTY S.A. Capital Group, and the Occupational Health and Safety Policy. They are treated as foundations for the supervision of due diligence processes. Strategic topics are implemented into policies and procedures. The policies are signed by all Members of the Company Management Board and Heads of the operating segments, and published in the Company OrangeBook Platform, i.e. a system for managing strategic processes, which makes them valid throughout the Capital Group.
OrangeBook contains a set of procedures, policies, instructions, recommendations, and orders, representing the most important guidelines and assumptions for the strategic and operational management of the Capital Group. In order to maintain a consistent and effective oversight and control system, once a year a review is carried out with regard to the Capital Group procedures and policies compatibility with those published in the OrangeBook. During the review, compliance is confirmed or reasons for any non-compliance are analysed.
As a signatory of the Global Compact initiative, the Capital Group undertakes actions to support 10 goals, and includes the Global Compact principles in the relevant policies and procedures. The 05.30_Ethical Business Principles Procedure maps the process of due diligence with regard to respecting the 10 Global Compact principles.
10 Global Compact principles
Item | Global Compact Principle | Related procedures/documents |
1 | Promotion and protection of human rights adopted by the international community | OB_02_Respect for Human Rights Policy
OB_03_Occupational Health and Safety Policy OB_40.00_Personal Data Protection OB_40.10_HR Policy OB_40.30_Staff Development OB_40.31_Staff Training OB_05.00_CSR Policy OB_05.10_Code of Ethics OB_40.11_Diversity Policy OB_40.12_Dignity at Work Policy OB_20.00_Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. |
2 | Elimination of human rights violations at the Company | OB_05.02_Respect for Human Rights Policy
OB_40.00_Personal Data Protection OB_40.20_Staff Recruitment and Adaptation OB_40.30_Staff Development OB_40.50_Remuneration Policy OB_00.40_Intellectual Property Management OB_40.11_Diversity Policy OB_40.12_Dignity at Work Policy OB_20.00_Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. |
3 | Respect for the freedom of association | OB_05.10_Code of Ethics
OB_05.02_Respect for Human Rights Policy OB_20.00_Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. |
4 | Elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour | OB_05.02_Respect for Human Rights Policy
OB_05.10_Code of Ethics OB_40.50_Remuneration Policy |
5 | Abolition of child labour | OB_05.10_Code of Ethics
OB_40.20_Staff Recruitment and Adaptation OB_20.00_Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. |
6 | Effective elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation | OB_05.02_Respect for Human Rights Policy
OB_40.20_Staff Recruitment and Adaptation OB_40.30_Staff Development OB_40.31_Staff Training OB_40.32_Competence Management System OB_40.33_Staff Periodical Assessment OB_40.34_Language Competence OB_40.35_Management by Objectives OB_40.50_Remuneration Policy OB_40.80_Personnel Administration OB_40.90_Occupational Health and Safety OB_05.10_Code of Ethics OB_40.11_Diversity Policy OB_40.12_Dignity at Work Policy |
7 | Preventive approach to natural environment | OB_05.01_Climate Policy
OB_05.10_Code of Ethics OB_05.00_CSR Policy OB_80.90_Performance of legal duties related to environmental protection OB_80.91_Identification of environmental aspects, monitoring and measurement OB_20.00_Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. |
8 | Undertaking initiatives to promote environmental responsibility | OB_05.01_Climate Policy
OB_05.10_Code of Ethics OB_05.00_CSR Policy OB_05.20_Corporate Social Responsibility |
9 | Applying and spreading environmentally friendly technologies | OB_05.10_Code of Ethics
OB_05.00_CSR Policy OB_80.92_Control of processes encompassing major environmental aspects OB_80.91_Identification of environmental aspects, monitoring and measurement OB_20.00_Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. |
10 | Working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery | OB_05.10_Anti-corruption Policy
OB_40.20_Staff Recruitment and Adaptation OB_40.31_Staff Training OB_05.10_Code of Ethics OB_20.30_Purchases OB_20.40_Strategic Purchases OB_20.50_Investment Purchases OB_20.55_Service Purchases OB_20.00_Code of Conduct for Suppliers of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A. |
Other procedures are also described in the Environmental responsibility and Ethical and anti-corruption processes sections.
All ESG policies, documents and strategy are available for the internal purposes of the organisation in the ‘OrangeBook’ strategic processes management system, and for the external stakeholders at corporate site in the Sustainable Development section. Maintaining the standards of communication with the market and the stakeholders, the Company publishes results forecasts on a quarterly basis and organises conferences for capital market participants. The Company reports its impact on the environment and the society in the ‘Non-financial Information Statement’, as part of the Report of the Management Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A. on the operations of the Company and the Capital Group, available at corporate website, and also in its integrated report. The corporate website comprises the contact details of the CSR Director and the IR Director as persons designated for contacts in matters related to the ongoing ESG Strategy. In 2022, no critical comments were received regarding the Company activities in that area. In case any negative impact is identified, the Company commits to carry out corrective actions.
Apart from the contact details of the CSR and IR Directors published on the corporate website, the Company does not have a formalised channel for monitoring enquiries regarding the ESG management system for external stakeholders.
Internally, there are two formal channels through which each employee may contact the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The first is the path indicated in the Code of Ethics – for reporting violations in the environmental, corruption, and employee areas. The second is the internal procedure OB.00.26_Internal Control System, specifying the possibility to report the perceived irregularities and violations directly to a Member of the Management Board or, in justified cases, directly to the Supervisory Board. In addition, through the ‘Green Group’ – employee suggestions programme, employees at all levels are invited to submit proposals to optimise processes and co-create the climate policy of the Capital Group. In 2022 there were 24 suggestions reported.
In the area of awareness raising and communication of the relevant ESG issues, the Company issues its ‘Aluway’ newsletter, which periodically, at least once a month, describes the current activities of the Capital Group companies in the social and environmental area. Further, each new or updated procedure or policy is communicated to the employees in the internal OrangeBook handbook, whereas training courses in anti-corruption policy, GDPR regulations, or cyber security are available on the internal eOK platform.
The Company employees involved in the ESG strategy development process and responsible for its individual areas benefit from a wide range of expert resources (seminars, webinars) as well as dedicated subject-matter workshops – in 2022 these concerned taxonomy. Moreover, Area Managers prepare regular internal training courses. In 2022, the CSR Director graduated from employer-funded postgraduate studies in CSR Management conducted by Collegium Civitas.
With regard to the Company Management Board, ESG issues are communicated and discussed in the meetings of Committees for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility. In 2022 there were held two training courses: one related to ESG goals update, i.e. reduction of GHG emissions intensity, was held by the Director for Quality and Environmental Protection, and the other one devoted to the current situation in the ESG area was held by the CSR Director.
The principles of remuneration of Grupa KĘTY S.A. Management and Supervisory Boards Members are stipulated in the Remuneration Policy of the Management Board and Supervisory Board Members of Grupa KĘTY S.A., adopted on 20 August 2020 by Resolution No. 19/20 of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa KĘTY S.A., which is available at corporate website.
The remuneration of the Management Board Members consists of fixed and variable components, as well as in-kind benefits. The variable remuneration is partly dependent on the performance of non-financial goals (GHG emissions reduction, OHS improvement, social engagement), whereas the goals attainment is assessed as a factor of the oversight of the organisation’s impact on the environment, the society and the economy.
The Company has adopted the Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy, which applies to all employees of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A., including the Management Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A. (‘Policy Subjects’). The policy covers the methods of prevention, identification and solving the conflicts of interest, as well as the principles of excluding a Policy Subject from the participation in considering a matter related to or threatened with a conflict of interest. The policy is available at corporate website.
In 2022, the Capital Group has not recorded any material instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. The Group has an extensive compliance system in place, including regular risk assessments, training programmes as well as monitoring and reporting mechanisms to ensure legal compliance.